What is Anesthesia Machine


Hello friends today in this blog we will study about Anesthesia Machine.
Every Hospital have so many facilities. The hospital in which there is a surgery Anesthesia machine is used in the hospital. Patients are given Anesthesia to complete surgery. There are many types of Anesthesia but the use of Anesthesia Machine not does not happen to every type of Anesthesia. The Anesthesia Machine is used before surgery when the patient is given General Anesthesia.
Anesthesia Machine has many  types of system there for Anesthesia Machine requires a trained  skill technician to operate Anesthesia Machine because there are different systems in the Anesthesia Machine  that it is necessary to set it before doing it.
If anesthesia machine without any trained If powered by technician, it is a danger of going to the patient’s life

What is Anesthesia Machine

What is Anesthesia Machine?


Anesthesia Machine is a Equipment/tool used in Hospital .
Anesthesia Machine is an important Equipment that is used during  give the patient General anesthesia
We give the many Gases  to the patient through the circuit which connect from anesthesia machine to
Continue Anesthesia ..

                          Type Of  Anesthesia Machine

There are mainly 2 types of Anesthesia Machine 

1.  Boyle’s Anesthesia Machine

This Anesthesia Machine developed by British Anesthetist whose Name is H.E.G Boyle

Boyle’s Anesthesia Machine Boyle’s Anesthesia Machine

Boyle’s Anesthesia Machine


2.  Work Station Anesthesia Machine

Now a days Every Multi Specialist Hospitals Use  Work Station Anesthesia Machine, because Workstation Anesthesia machine is a advance machine In which many types of advance devices are connected and can monitor patient During Surgery.


Work Station Anesthesia Machine


Parts of Anesthesia Machine

1.    Gas Supply –

Oxygen , Nitrous oxide Gas and Air are connected to Anesthesia machine with Central gas line…

Gas Supply Of Anesthesia Machine


2. Gas Cylinder –

There are many gas Cylinder attached with Anesthesia machine.

Gas Cylinder of Anesthesia Machine

There are many types of gas Cylinder. Each Cylinder has unique Identity with their Label Colors

  • Oxygen – Black body, white shoulder
  • Nitrous oxide – Blue
  • Air – Black body , white/black quarters shoulder
  • Corbin dioxide – gray
  • Entonox – brown
  • Helium – blue body , blue/ white quarters shoulder

 3. Flow meter

flow meter show the rate of gas flow And we Can adjust Volume rate to gas.

Flow meter of Anesthesia Machine


 4. Vaporizer. –

Vaporizer a Jar like structure in which we feel some anesthesia agents gases Sevoflurane , Isoflurane, Desflurane ..These Anesthesia agent gas given  Mixture with Oxygen to patient to Continue Anesthesia in patient during surgery.

Vaporizer of Anesthesia Machine


 5. ventilator –

A ventilator is attached with Anesthesia machine ..
Ventilator machine is help those patient who is not able to take breath… Ventilator work as diaphragm take Oxygen and leave CO2 Ventilator has many functions in which sated before Anesthesia.


Ventilator of Anesthesia Machine

 6. Absorber –

Soda Lime Canister is connected with the Anesthesia machine SODALIME is a absorber which absorbs the CO2 gas left by the patient and converts it into oxygen in some quantity.

Soda Lime Canister Of Anesthesia Machine


 7.  Monitor –

Some anesthesia machine are attached with Integrated monitor device . We can easily monitor vitals of Patients, Capnograph, ECG ,PULS RATE.

Monitor of Anesthesia Machine


8. Emergency manual ventilation –

Anesthesia Machine is an electronic device . When ever Anesthesia machine face a problem then we can ventilate a patient by emergency manual ventilation Device ..

Emergency manual ventilation Of Anesthesia Machine

                  Safety Features Of anesthesia machine


There are many safety features in the Anesthesia Machine.
Why Safety Features given in Anesthesia Machine
To avoid human fault, Safety features are fitted in the Anesthesia machine, which is not making any risk to the life of the patient with human error.

There Are Many Types of Safety Features Given in Anesthesia machine.


  1. O2 flash

  2. Vaporizer

  3. Fail safe valve

  4. Pressure Regulating Valve

  5. Static Rubber Tire

  6. Emergency Manual ventilator

  7.  Vaporizer –

Vaporizer is jar like structure in which we fill liquid inhalation agent ex. Sevoflurane , Isoflurane, Desflurane  ..These Anesthesia agent given With Mixture with Oxygen gasses to patient to Continue Anesthesia in patient during surgery
Pin Index System


A precise arrangement of holes and pins that makes it easier to connect a particular medical gas cylinder to the system that delivers these gases. Pin Index is given below for every type of cylinder..

  • Air – 1-5
  • CO2 – 2-6/1-6
  • O2 – 2-5
  • Nitrous oxide – 3-5
  • Ethylene – 1-3
  • Cyclopropane – 3-6     


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Q.1    What is the use of Anesthesia  Machine?

Anesthesia Machine is an important Equipment that is used during  give the patient General anesthesia
We give the many Gases  to the patient through the circuit which connect from anesthesia machine to
Continue Anesthesia

Q.2  What Is The Price Of Anesthesia Machine?

A Advance Anesthesia Machine’s price 700000 – 1000000 .

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